Coping Skills

If you have been under a lot of stress, resulting in overuse of self-control resources, this fatigue may have led to ineffective coping strategies. Has this ever happened to you? What were the circumstances?
Everyone gets stressed for a multitude of reasons and they have to figure out the best way to deal with all the pressure they are feeling. “Coping skills refer to strategies that help individuals to effectively manage their behavior, especially in high risk situations (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2012, p.263).” Currently I think I handle stress pretty well but it took me a long time to figure out what’s most helpful for me. For me talking about what’s going on with others, taking deep breaths, making lists and accomplishing things step by step really help me cope when I am experiencing a lot of stress. Before I figured out what worked for me I used to get really anxious and become really frantic because I felt like there just wasn’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. Although I would become anxious I never handled the anxiety caused by stress in an ineffective way. I honestly think the reason for that is because I have A TON of support from friends and family. Their support has always helped calm me down and bring things into perspective.


  1. Danielle,
    I am a “to do list” person as well. I feel empowered knowing I am able to check off a box on the list that needs to be taken care of. The list can be overwhelming but I know it works for me if I decide to take a detour and browse through facebook. Looking at the list keeps me on track and leaves time later on to look at social media without additional anxiety!

  2. Hi Jenn!!

    Oh man! The feeling I get crossing stuff off a list is like a “high” in itself!! I wont lie…sometimes I put stuff on my lists that I have already accomplished just so I can cross it off!

    I’m glad I am not the only one obsessed with list making!


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